
Las Supper

The Trinity

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."  We’ve all heard it, read it, and said it.  But, what does …

What We Believe

The Apostles' Creed:

I believe in God the Father Almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth:

And …

Am I Saved?

I know that many out there are asking themselves, “Am I saved?”  And, I’ve been asked by …

Keeping Kosher

I recently had a Jewish friend ask me about Jewish Christians (Jews for Jesus) keeping to …

Religion and Politics

How should a Christian approach questions of politics?  There is no direct answer to that …

Choosing To Believe

 I am puzzled by the difficulty some people have with the concept of faith.  Coming to believe …

God doesn’t Grade On A Curve

One of the most striking differences between Christians and people in general is the non-…

The Bible

Of course the Bible is extremely valuable.  It is the Word of God, and perhaps His most precious …

Other Religions

Sometimes the bottom line of a proposition is so obvious that it is simply ignored.  Sometimes …

Evil Exists

How is it that so many people who profess to believe in God refuse to acknowledge the reality …