Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." We’ve all heard it, read it, and said it. But, what does it actually mean?
The true nature of the Trinity has been the subject of endless debates and monographs among religious scholars. The philosophical explanations and rationalizations seem endless. And, it does seem to be quite mysterious. However, for our purposes, I believe a simplified approach will be much better.
The "Father," is the God of Abraham, the creator of heaven and earth referred to in Genesis 1:1, and the One who gave Moses the tablets on which He had written the Ten Commandments. He is the great "I am." Exodus 3:14
The "Son," is Jesus, both as man and as God. We often think and speak of "godly" people. We mean those who are exceptionally good in every way. But, of course, none of us is perfect. We may be vessels of God’s goodness, but we’re leaky, askew, and prone to tip over. When God begot Jesus, he created a perfect vessel, one which He could fill to the brim, and which would never spill a drop. Although a man, Jesus was a perfect vessel of God’s goodness, and therefore perfectly worthy of adoration and worship. He was not His Father, yet entirely of His Father. That is why He is called "God Incarnate." He walked among us not only as the Father’s representative, but also as God’s actual physical presence on earth. I like to think that when He assended, He also became mans’ representative in heaven.
The "Holy Spirit" is the incorporeal essence of God that fulfills us, comforts us, protects us. When one "feels God’s presence," it is the Holy Spirit that is felt. When one is led by God, it is the Holy Spirit that leads. When one is comforted in prayer, it is the Holy Spirit that convey’s God’s grace to alleviate suffering. And, when we see God in others, it is the Holy Spirit we are seeing.
There is but one God. Yet, there are three. I don’t think it matters at all how you chose to resolve that apparent contradiction. As long as you understand that God the Father reins in heaven, that Jesus brought salvation to the world, and that the Holy Spirit will be with you throughout your days, you're going to be just fine.